Sequoyah School Stewardship Report of Giving

Thank you!
We are grateful to our donors and volunteers who contribute their time, talent, and treasure in support of Sequoyah’s mission to challenge the mind, nurture the heart, and celebrate human dignity.
From the Head of School
I joined the Sequoyah community this school year with excitement, gratitude, and a deep sense of responsibility, and I am continually amazed by what I see every day. Whether it’s an ambitious diorama in the Treehouse or a brilliant Z-Block discussion on statistical probability, this is a place of great joy in learning. Our Annual Report for 2022-23 documents that many of you are equally impressed—and committed to upholding our school’s mission while strengthening our financial stability.
At Sequoyah, we understand every student's success is tied up in their peers’ ability to thrive and in their teachers’ ability to do the same. We continue our efforts to promote collaboration, inclusivity, and equity, while providing indexed tuition for our families and competitive compensation for teachers.
On this website, you’ll read about some of the ways giving impacts our community, the Faculty Compensation Endowment, and so much more. With your gifts, you preserve the strength of our educational vision and commitment to our amazing students and faculty, rooted in a place-based education.
As Head, I feel honored and thankful to be part of such a strong community and look forward to the many milestone moments we have ahead of us.
Rebecca Hong
Head of School
March 2024

Giving Impact
Support from donors continues to secure a strong future for Sequoyah. From facilities to program to faculty compensation, our community’s generosity has further enriched the school in tangible ways.
From the Board of Trustees
This school year has been one of both exciting change and a further deepening of Sequoyah’s roots. Having eagerly anticipated her arrival for over a year, we officially welcomed Rebecca Hong in July as our new Head of School. Rebecca’s enthusiasm—along with her deep understanding of progressive education, genuine passion for Sequoyah’s values and culture, and skills as a strategic, systems-focused thinker—make her an ideal leader for the school in this moment.
There is more great news to share, and I encourage you to read this 2022-2023 Annual Report to learn more about how your commitment to Sequoyah has created incredible opportunities for everyone in our community. The Board of Trustees is grateful to the students, faculty, staff, families, alumni, and friends who make this school and community such an extraordinary place.
Laura Gowen
President, Sequoyah School Board of Trustees
March 2024
Financial Statement
Sequoyah School’s financial health is the result of many different factors, including tuition and fundraising, in which each and every family plays a role.

“The welcome, the openness, and the warmth was so vibrant. There was a clear message: Be part of the student’s school experience, be part of Sequoyah. We want you to know us and we want to know you. I accepted that invitation as a grandparent and I am so glad I did, and feel so grateful that it was extended to me.”
— Cathy Grayson —
Current grandparent
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Click here to donate online. If you are interested in contributing securities or establishing a planned gift, please email Director of Advancement Elena Phleger.